Thursday, April 8, 2010

Experience Needed

As an emerging senior graduate I am encountering a great deal of job applications that say "experience needed." For me those words mean "Don't Apply"

As an athlete, i spent my free time in highschool practicing soccer and working on improving myself so that i could get a scholarship to college. Therefore i didn't have time to get a job in highschool. While i played college soccer, which is like a full time job, i also spent my free time training to improve my game and practicing soccer in the hopes that i would be able to play professionally. Therefore i had no free time in college to get a job and gain this "experience needed" to get a job. So what happens to us college athletes that dedicate themselves to their sports and thus dont have time to get pointless jobs to gain the "experience needed." Its not taken into account by employers that all the things a person learns from working some highschool job or in a clothing store as a manager during college are also learned by any college athlete competing on a competitive team. Things you gain from working previous jobs like Time management, organization, discipline, working with teammates, communication, etc... are all things that you learn playing competitively for a college sports team. And therefore all those stupid job applications should say "Experience needed" or "2 years minimum of competing on a college sports team" that way the college athletes out there like myself that didnt have time to get jobs or do internships are compensated for in the job market search....

Thats all i gotta say....its kinda annoying...and its like we are being punished for dedicating ourselves and focusing on our respective sports.

What do you think?

Stay Unfluenced!!

Reggie Reg


  1. Very True Brah. Its alright though because the few people that take a chance on US athletes get a better worker than 99% of the workforce.

  2. ...its not just the athletes...its also that student in college who does work, doing some community based work but somehow, that still doesn't quite count as experience...oh, because you wanted me to go off and have lived in zimbabwe for two years doing the peace corp...oh...right...the sad thing is that these days, its about who you know and who knows you...experience takes a back seat when the right people know you and can coach you through the have to learn how to creatively and accurately 'create' experiences or represent your experience in a way that makes sense to the said employers...that or just create your own damn job!...good luck and keep your head up...

  3. yea...ive opted for the create your own damn job route....btw guerreiranigeriana why arent you following this blog or the unfluencesociety blog or the nugget spotter blog...all quality and interesting blogs...
